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Podziękowanie od ks. Robbina Kamemby 28 - 05 - 2016

Otrzymaliśmy podziękowanie od ks. Robbina Kamemby. Jako pomoc dla szkoły w Shubrze złożono 11.400 zł. Ks. Robbin zapewnia o swojej modlitwie w naszych intencjach. Pełny tekst podziękowań brzmi następująco;

Dear Father Wojcieck,
I hope that this finds you well after the beautiful celebration of Corpus Christi. I saw the photos on the website and really wished I celebrated with you.
I come through this humble words to express my gratitude to you and to all the wonderful parishioners of Divine Mercy Parish in Brzesko. The love and spiritual fellowship that I experience whenever I’m with you is not easy to find in our world today. Yet you offer it generously with so much ease and joy. For me, this is a very strong testimony of the Mercy of God that you give.
I’m very grateful for the collection you made to help our school in Shubra. You raised an amazing sum of 11,400 Złote. We will be able to do a lot with this money and I will update you once we start the work in July.
Our centre for the people with special needs has a special connection with your parish, a connection of love and Divine Mercy.
I assure you of my prayers and kindly ask you too to pray for me.

Your friend in Christ,
Fr. Robbin Kamemba